Love & Relationships

August 26, 2024

Stop Being a Dating Villain: How to Avoid Ghosting and Breadcrumbing

Ever wondered if you're the bad guy in someone's dating horror story? Spoiler alert: If you're asking, you probably are.

Welcome to the dark side of modern romance, where ghosting is the new breakup and breadcrumbs are served instead of whole meals. Buckle up – we're about to take a wild ride through the dating crimes you might be committing without even realizing it.

Ghosting: The Silent Killer

Ah, ghosting – the art of disappearing faster than free food at an office party. One minute you're there, the next... poof! Gone without a trace, leaving someone wondering if you've been abducted by aliens or just found someone hotter on Bumble.

Why do people ghost?
Fear of confrontation, loss of interest, or maybe they're just cowards with the emotional intelligence of a potato. Whatever the reason, it leaves the ghosted feeling like they're screaming into the void.

Want to break the habit?
Use your words, not your disappearing act. It's not that hard to send a text saying, "Hey, not feeling it. Peace out." Trust me, they'll appreciate the closure more than your sudden impression of Casper the Unfriendly Ghost.

Breadcrumbing: Stringing 'Em Along Like a Pro

If ghosting is a swift execution, breadcrumbing is death by a thousand cuts. You're dropping just enough hints of interest to keep someone on the hook, without ever committing to a real connection. It's like being a master chef of mixed signals.

Signs you're a breadcrumber?
You send the occasional "Hey, what's up?" text at 2 AM, like their Instagram posts from 2016, but never actually make plans to meet up. It's toxic AF and leaves the other person feeling like they're on an emotional rollercoaster designed by Satan himself.

How to stop?
Either feast or famine, no more crumbs. Decide if you're actually interested in pursuing something real. If not, cut them loose. Your indecisiveness isn't cute; it's cruel.

Zombie-ing: Back From the Dead (and Into Their DMs)

Just when they thought it was safe to move on, BAM! You rise from the dating graveyard and slide back into their DMs like nothing happened. "Hey stranger, long time no see!" Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. You've been MIA for months.

Zombie-ing is confusing as hell for the recipient. Did you have a near-death experience that made you realize they were "the one"? Or did you just run out of options and decide to recycle old flames?

How to avoid being a dating zombie?
Stay dead or come back to life properly. If you genuinely had a reason for disappearing and want to reconnect, own up to it. Apologize, explain, and be prepared for them to tell you to crawl back into your crypt.

Benching: The Dating Backup Plan

Benching is like being the substitute teacher of someone's love life. You're there, but not really. They keep you around, maybe even take you out for coffee occasionally, but you're never starting in the game of their heart.

Why is it a bad move? Because you're treating people like options, not human beings with feelings. You're essentially saying, "You're good enough to keep around, but not good enough to commit to."

The solution? Play the field, don't bench the players. Be honest about where you stand and what you're looking for. If you're not ready for a relationship, say so. Don't string people along because you're afraid of being alone.

Love Bombing: Too Much, Too Soon

Love bombing is like trying to put out a candle with a fire hose.

It's overwhelming, intense, and likely to leave a mess. You shower someone with affection, attention, and grand gestures right from the start, moving at warp speed towards a "relationship" that's built on sand.

Why is it manipulative? Because it creates a false sense of intimacy and often masks ulterior motives. It's the dating equivalent of a get-rich-quick scheme – looks great on paper, falls apart in reality.

To show genuine interest without the explosion, try this radical idea: Take. It. Slow.

Build a connection based on real shared experiences and mutual understanding, not a whirlwind romance that burns out faster than a cheap firework.

The Reformed Villain: Turning Your Dating Life Around

Ready to hang up your villain cape and join the good guys? Here's how you redeem yourself:

  1. Recognize your patterns. Self-awareness is sexy.

  2. Communicate like an adult. Use your words, not your vanishing skills.

  3. Be honest with yourself and others. If you're not feeling it, say so.

  4. Treat people like people, not options. Treat them accordingly.

Remember, in the dating game, karma's a bitch. Don't be one too. It's time to level up your dating game from "problematic" to "actually dateable." Your future self (and dates) will thank you.

Now go forth and date responsibly. And if you catch yourself slipping back into villain mode, just imagine your mom reading your text messages. That should straighten you out real quick.

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